
icon obchodni 1 - Services

Business law

  • establishment and changes in business corporations and
  • cooperatives and other legal entities,
  • transformations of business corporations,
  • preparation of contracts,
  • representation in court and arbitration proceedings in disputes from business relationships,
  • legal due diligence on the state of business corporations,
  • recovery of receivables from business relationships a
  • insolvency proceedings
icon obcanske 1 - Services

Civil law

  • preparation of contracts,
  • representation in court and arbitration proceedings in civil disputes,
  • neighborhood rights and
  • law of inheritance
icon nemovitosti 1 - Services

Real estate law

  • complex preparation of contractual documentation relating to real estate – purchase contracts, future purchase agreement contracts, loan agreements, mortgage agreements, agreements on the establishment of easements,
  • lease law – drafting of lease agreements, their amendments and termination,
  • development projects,
  • provision of legal services to real estate agencies,
  • representation before courts, arbitration and administrative authorities in real estate disputes and
  • legal custody of money, securities and other assets.
icon osobni 1 - Services

The law of data protection

  • comprehensive legal advice regarding the implementation of new obligations under the GDPR regulation.
icon trestni 1 - Services

Criminal law

  • defence of the accused in criminal proceedings and
  • representation of victims in criminal proceedings – compensation for damages caused by criminal offences
icon pracovni 1 - Services

Labour law

  • Comprehensive provision of employers’ labour law agenda – drafting of employment contracts, changes in employment relationship, termination of employment relationship, legal due diligence of employment law documentation and
  • representation in court proceedings in disputes over wage compensation, damages, invalidity of termination and immediate termination of employment
icon rodinne 1 - Services

Family law

  • Representation in divorce and parental responsibility modification proceedings, including the determination of child support; and
  • representation in proceedings for the settlement of matrimonial property
icon spravni 1 - Services

Administrative law

  • representation in proceedings concerning offences and administrative offences of individuals and legal persons; and
  • representation in construction proceedings
icon pohledavky 1 - Services

Enforcement of claims

  • Cooperation with the Executor’s Office in Ostrava
  • a highly effective and individual approach to solving claims or executions
icon pravo 2 1 - Services

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